Friday, December 14, 2012

Attacking the final third

BELOW IS A PRACTICE TO help your team penetrate through the middle and support the attacker in the final third.

Warm Up

Set up and instruction: Split the group into 3 teams of 4 (yellow, blue and red). Two teams play against 1 team to keep possession. Here the yellow and red combine to keep the ball away from the blue team, if a team looses possession they swap roles with the defending team. 

Scoring: Award points for successful combination play, such as a give and go, overlap, short-short-long. 

Award a point every time a team makes 5 consecutive passes. 

Impose dribbling to commit defenders before passing and combining. 

Coaching points:
  • Weight and timing of pass
  • Support play off the ball, timing of runs and angle of support 
  • Quick speed of play
  • Communication

Limit the number of touches to encourage quick play.

Main Drill

Set up and Instruction: 

Split an area of 40x40 into 4 equal areas

The game is 6v6 possession (red v green) with 2 neutral players who play for the team in possession (blue) 

Players can move freely around the whole area, however you can only make a maximum of 3 passes in 1 quarter of the grid.

Play 2 touch and 8 passes = 1 goal. 

Coaching points:
  • Look to disguise your pass and run so not to be tracked by a defender
  • Look for longer passes to break the pressure and keep possession
  • Communication

Conditioned Game

Set up and Instruction: 
Use a 40x40 area, with a center line and 2 goals. Play 4 v 4 with 4 neutrals on the outside
Organize 3 v 1 in each area, with 3 midfielders in 1 area and an attacker in the other. Midfielders must play 2 touch in an attempt to get the ball up the field quickly, the striker has unlimited touches.

Neutral are limited to play 1 touch. 

Goals can be scored from anywhere on the field (not just the striker) 

Rotate teams frequently, winning team stays on.

Coaching points:
  • Quick combination and finishing 
  • Know when to go for goal and when to keep possession, don't waste chances
  • Quick speed of play/decision making 
  • Communication

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