Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Tiki-Taka is a style of play characterised by short passing and movement, working the ball through various channels and maintaining possession. - Web Definition.


Explanation: Set up 4 areas of 10 x 10 and have 4 players with 1 ball in each area as shown below. Players simply play 2 touch pass and move in their area, trying to play with a high tempo.

Progressions: Below is a set of commands that the coach will introduce throughout the session.

Change - When the coach calls 'Change' the player with the ball will look up and play a pass to a player in the next grid (working clockwise). That player will then follow his pass and the new group continue passing and moving in the area.

Through Ball - When the coach calls 'Through Ball' the player on the ball will pass into space for a player off the ball to make a run onto the ball and carry it into the next area (again working clockwise) the new group continue passing and moving with a high tempo. 

Set - When the coach calls 'Set' the player on the ball will set to another player to pass to the next square (clockwise). The player who passes the ball will not follow the ball but go to the square anti clockwise to support. The player who set the ball will follow the ball. Once in your new square passing still continues until the coach calls the next command. << Advanced Progression


Explanation: Red v Blue. In the same set up as above, the red team have 1 ball and the blue team have 1 ball. The game is a scoring game, the blue team will pass the ball and once all players have touched the ball a player can pass it to the next blue square, once all players touch the ball the process is repeated. Every time the ball crosses the center line a goal is scored, the red team play at the same time, play first to 10.


  • The player who passes the ball must follow the pass and is part of the new square
  • Put the teams diagonally across from each other, meaning passes and movement have to be more accurate to avoid collisions << Advanced Progression

Coaching points:
  • Keep an open body and have a full view of the playing area at all times 
  • Check your shoulder before calling and receiving the ball
  • Before and after passing look to make fake movements and check back to the ball
  • Keep the tempo high at all time
  • Try and play 1 touch where possible, release the ball early!!

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