Friday, January 4, 2013


Main Drill

Set up and instruction: 3 V 2 overlap to goal. The centre player starts with the ball and plays a pass to a side player of his/her choice. Once the pass has been made the centre player will then overlap that player and play against the 2 approaching defenders. 3 v 2 to goal, continues play until a goal is scored or the ball goes out of play

Coaching points:

  • The first pass should go in front of the player so they can run onto the ball and attack through the centre - overlapping player attacks wide.
  • Player on the ball should look to commit a defender before passing to an open team mate
  • Look for rebounds
  • Communication - if you are in a good position shout for the ball
  • Pass and move (stay onside) 


If the 3 attackers succeed in scoring, the defenders must remain as defenders for the next run. 

If the 2 defenders win the ball, the must aim to start a quick attack by dribbling or passing across the end line (cones) 

Conditioned Game

Set up and Instruction: 

3 v 2 - six attacks to goal game

Each team has a turn as the attacking team, here the yellow team is first and the blue and green team nominate a goalkeeper so it is 3 v 2 in each half.

The coach will play the first ball into the yellow team who attack the blue teams goal, once that play has broken down they will turn, receive the next ball from the coach and attack the green team. This routine continues until all six attacks have taken place.

Rotate teams, so every team gets to be the attacking team and keep score - which team will score the most out of 6 attacks. 

Coaching points:
  • Attackers - what choices do you have in possession? Use the overlapping player as a diversion and dribble or pass and move with the supporting player
  • Movement off the ball - look to overlap your team mate on the ball or run in behind the defenders looking for a pass
  • Communication between the 2 attackers and communication between the defender and goalkeeper 


Now play continuously, the central team attack one of the goals and if they are successful in scoring they turn and receive a new ball from the coach to attack the next team. However if a team fails to score they instantly swap with the defending team who quickly look for a ball from the coach to go and start an attack towards the other goal. 

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