Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Supporting the striker (3v2) 

Coaching points:

  • The following drills are designed to get the ball into the striker quickly and encourage wide players to support with pace and good movement to achieve a shot on goal. 
  • Angle of support - make sure you are available for a pass
  • Play the ball in front of the supporting player so they can run onto it
  • Receive the ball side on so you can quickly play the ball into the path of the supporting player (give and go)
  • Look for rebounds 

Warm Up

Mark out a 12x12 box which the striker (red) will look to move around in and show for the ball. A blue player will play the ball into the striker and then both blue players will make runs towards goal looking for the return ball. 

The striker must decide who's path to play the ball into - that player will have a shot and his team mate will look for rebounds - next to players will go.

Striker - check to the ball and call for it, receive side on and quickly play into the path of a supporting blue.

  • Overlap runs
  • The blue line of cones acts as the offside line
  • Play to red, drop back to blue who plays the other blue through on goal

Main Drill

3 v 2 continuous to goal. The Gk for the blue team starts by playing the ball into the strikers feet, once this pass is played the 2 blue players will come to support, at the same time the red player will recover back to create 3 v 2 to goal. Once the play breaks down the players can line up behind the other goal and the opposite Gk will start the drill again.

Rotate the 2 central players accordingly 

It is an idea to have a supply of footballs in the goals for quick re-starts 

  • Support quickly
  • Stay wide to stretch the defense 
  • Shoot when given the opportunity
  • Pass or cut back when necessary (player always look to support in goal scoring positions)
  • Look for rebounds 

Conditioned Game 

3 v 3 in the center with 1 v 1 in the end zones. The team in possession look to play the ball into their striker, from here 2 players of that team can go and support and only 1 player of the other team is allowed to get back and help defend creating a 3 v 2 to goal.

Once that play breaks down it should leave the other team an opportunity to attack quickly and create a 3 v 2 at the other end.

Look for quick solutions, play direct in front of a supporting team mate so they only need 1 or 2 touches to get a shot on goal

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