Monday, January 21, 2013


Warm Up

Mark out a diamond using cones approx 15 yards apart. The ball will start at one end and is played anti-clockwise, with all players receiving and passing with their right foot. Players follow their pass. 

At each side players should receive the ball side on and aim to take their first touch through the gate. At each end players should receive the ball from one side of the marker and move the ball across to play out the other side (again working on right foot). 


  • Use two footballs simultaneously
  • Change to working clockwise, to work on receiving and passing with the inside of the left foot

Coaching points:
  • Weight and accuracy of all passes, play the ball to the receiving players back foot
  • Body position and movement when receiving (side on, receive with the back foot and use the inside of your foot to control the ball)
  • Check over your shoulder before receiving
  • First touch forward into space
  • Call the name of the player you are passing to/receiving the ball from 

Main Drill

Within an area of 20x20, play 3 v 3 with a neutral player at each end of the area. 

The object of the game is for a team to get the ball from one neutral player to the other as much as possible while keeping possession. 

Neutral players should be looking to support the play at all times. Play at high intensity for 3 minutes. Rotate neutrals at the end of each game. 

Progression: Play 2 touch

Conditioned Game 

3 v 3 (blue v red) with 2 neutral players (yellow) who play for the team in possession. 

Players pass and move aiming to keep possession and a goal is scored if a player can take their first touch through one of the red gates. Neutral players can't score.

  • Play 2 touch
  • 5 passes = 1 goal
  • First touch through the gate = 2 goals

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