Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Introductory Skill Session


Age Group: 8-9 Years Old     Ability Level: Beginner   Gender: Boys/Girls


Equipment Required: Bibs, balls, cones

Aim of Session: To learn, practice and improve basic technical skills. Passing/Dribbling/Turns

Overview: This session is designed as an introductory session, I have used this session to evaluate players I am working with for the first time to determine skill level and attitude towards learning. The drills start basic and progress to more complex skills and routines. It is easily adapted to increase the tempo for children who show signs of real understanding.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. What part of the foot do we use to run with the ball

  2. Different turns and skills

  3. Good first touch is essential

  4. Get your head up to find an open player

  5. Pass and move

These concepts will be introduced gradually throughout the practice so not to overload the player with information and so they are given adequate time to work on each step, then hopefully with practice they will perform all of the above together successfully in the conditioned game.

Set Up/Warm up 

For this practice you will need to set up four areas 12x12 (depending on numbers) each area is separated, leaving 5 yards between each box. Set up different exercises in each box as a warm up, for example in box 1 have players with a ball each working on dribbling and in box 2 have 1 ball between the group working on passing and moving. Rotate players around the boxes on coaches command. Ideas for exercises:

  • One bounce juggling
  • Keep ball
  • Dynamic stretches
  • Throw - head - catch

Drill 1 - Dribbling and Turning

Instruction: Players line up between both sets of cones. The player at the front of the line will dribble the ball until he/she gets between  the cones and make a sharp turn, then pass back for the next player to go.

Coaches Instructions:

Running in a straight line: Push the ball forward with your laces, run as fast as you can forward, always keeping the ball close. Try and get your head up after every 2 touches.

Zig-Zag Running: Use inside and outside of both feet to move in a zig zag fashion up the line. The coach should give clear demonstrations and explanations of different variations.

Inside cut, outside cut, Cruyff turns: Again give clear demonstrations and emphasis exaggerating movements so to beat opponents.

Drill 2 - Dribbling, Turning and Passing

Instruction: The 4 players at the front of the lines will all go at the same time. They will attack the box in the centre (quick dribbling) then turn to their right and pass the ball to the player at the front of that line to go next. Again focus on correct dribbling and turning technique and now go over passing (inside of foot, standing foot faces the way you wish to pass)
Coaching Points: At first, tell all participants to wait for the coaches command before starting to dribble, as some players may be moving faster than the others. Then use this opportunity to test the players ability to get their head up and see the play. You can do this by allocating a 'trigger line'. Appoint one of the lines as the trigger line and tell the group that it is the responsibility of the player at the front of this line to shout 'GO'. So the player at the front of this line will receive a pass, quickly get there head up and look at the field and if the other 3 players have control of the ball and are ready to play they will communicate to the team by shouting 'GO'. (this builds confidence and teamwork).

Drill 3 - Further Progression

Instruction: A player is added to each corner of the grid (change this player every couple of minutes). All we are adding now is an extra pass and more communication. This time players will dribble the ball, make a sharp turn in the centre and look for this corner player (who eventually you can encourage to check off the cone into space) The player on the ball passes to the corner player and demands a 'give and go'. Once a successfully give and go has been completed the drill continues in the usual fashion.

Coaching Points:

  • Attack the centre quickly
  • Sharp turn
  • Give and go with corner player
  • Firm and accurate pass to the front of the next line
  • Trigger line still starts the exercise with communication 'GO'

Conditioned Game

Instruction: The conditioned game is an overload of attacking players v defensive players to build confidence and success in young players trying to keep the ball when in possession. Have 2 players outside each side of the field playing as neutral (meaning they play for the team in possession) the neutral players cannot be tackles and depending on ability the coach can limit their touches of the ball. Play 4 v 4 inside the square when in possession is really 12 v 4, encourage players on the ball to pass, move and dribble to keep the ball. When a team successfully makes 5 passes they can score in either goal at both ends. It is important to coach that once 5 passes is made that does not mean we shoot the ball and loose possession, we keep the ball until there is an opportunity to score

Coaching Points: Keep the ball, pass and move, dribble when necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I think this session works well with my 'computer game theory'

    Today I used it, it is very simple and keeps young kids interested, competitive and willing to learn. I say to the kids this exercise is like a computer game, we are on level one, once you pass it we will go onto level two where the drill gets harder and tell them if they complete all levels then we can go into a full game.

    It sounds crazy but kids get excited to perform well and pass the level and will constantly ask, 'did we pass?', 'what level are we on?' etc.

    David Baird
