Friday, June 8, 2012

Technical Pass and Move

Step 1

Set up: 30X 20 yard grid with 6 cones as shown. Players are split into two groups as shown.

Instruction: The player at the start of each line starts with the ball. Using the blue team as an example, the first player will pass a straight pass to the second blue player, who will open his body and pass the ball long and diagonal to the third player in the sequence who then dribbles the ball as fast as possible down the outside to join the other teams line. Both teams work at the same time to create a crowded area so passes must be precise.

Coaching points:

  • Firm and accurate pass with the side of your foot
  • Center player receive the ball side on
  • Check-off the cone (defender)
  • Put a name on your pass and shout for the ball
  • Pass and move

Progression 1

Instruction: It is important to complicate drills to keep them interesting and continuously challenge players ability. Here we simply add a 'drop back' pass. Player 1 plays to player 2 who drops the ball back for player 1 to pass long to player 3. Player 3 then dribbles back as before and the rotation is the same.

Coaching Points: As before but now when player 2 receives the ball, get head up to see player 3 is marked (imaginary) so the ball must be dropped back to player 1 and player 2 must move off the ball to support player 3 when he gets it.

Progression 2

Instruction: Add another 'drop back pass' this time from player 3 to 2 (give and go) Perform the give and go around the cone which acts as a defender.

Coaching Points:

  • Pass and support the pass
  • Communicate
  • Firm and accurate passing

Possible Progression:

With higher level teams you should encourage them to be creative and remove the sequence. Tell them the root the ball must travel but you don't care how it gets there. For example they are free to play it long first time, or perform a give and go around the cone or even dribble with the ball, emphasize the coaching points and tell players to mix it up by varying their passing range.

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