Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Possession v Goal Scoring

Set Up: This exercise takes place in a 30x 25 area, the red team is made up of 2 goalkeepers, 2 outfield players and 4 outside players. The blue team is made up of 4 players in the middle area.

Instruction: The red team is the possession team and they simply aim to keep the ball, it is a good idea to make this team up of midfielders and defenders. Have the 4 on the outside as defenders and limit them to 2 touch, which will teach the defense to get rid of the ball quickly. In the centre have the 2 red players as central midfielders who must be comfortable on the ball and be able to keep possession by making sensible passes. This drill is also good for working on your goalkeepers footwork. The blue team should be made up of 2 strikers and 2 wingers, there aim is to shut down the play, win the ball and quickly go for goal. They can score at either end,  encouraging change of pace and direction.

Coaching Points:

Possession Team:

  • Keep the ball
  • Outside players move up and down the line to support player on the ball
  • Use the goalkeepers
  • Firm and accurate passing

Attacking Team:

  • Defend from the front - chase down the ball
  • When you win the ball find the quickest way to goal
  • Don't force the play, find a pass when needed
  • Powerful and accurate shooting
  • Strikers look for rebounds

Switch Player Roles When Neccessary

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