Saturday, August 18, 2012


Dribbling Session #1

The following session includes exercises to aid players dribbling abilities. The session helps to improve basic close control, change of pace and change of direction; progressing into using these skills in 1v1 and 2v1 situations

Technical Warm Up


Set up and instruction: Set up a square area with 2 gates on each side of the square. Use 4 defenders (1 defender to guard 2 gates.) Both defenders and attackers have a ball, the aim of the warm up is for attackers to dribble the ball through as many gates as possible (1 point for every gate you get through), the defenders get points for tagging attackers, but loose a point every time an attacker gets through one of their gates.

Progressions: Make the gates smaller and remove the defenders ball so they can now tackle the attackers

Drill 1

Set up and Instruction: Create a 3x3 square, with attackers lined up in the corners (with a ball) and the defenders in the middle squares (without a ball). The attackers work anti-clockwise around the area going 1 v 1 against the defenders, if the defender wins the ball they swap with the attacker. Progression: Two attackers are now going to attack the defenders square, creating a 2 v 1 situation

Coaching Points for 1 v 1:

  • First touch must be forward
  • Attack the defender and perform a skill to go past the defender, for the move to be successful it must be made up of three things
  • Close Control, Change of Direction, Change of Pace
  • Coach should give clear demonstrations and explanations of going past a defender 1 v 1
Coaching Points for 2 v 1:

Use the numbers advantage, to go past the attackers must perform either a Penetrating Dribble, Penetrating Run or a Penetrating Pass;

  • Penetrating Dribble- player off the ball moves away (diversion) to creating a 1 v 1, see coaching points above
  • Penetrating Run - player off the ball makes a cleaver run into space which will either set them free for the pass or act as a diversion for the player on the ball to dribble
  • Penetrating Pass - player on the ball makes a pass around the defender for the player off the ball to run onto
  • Decision making is key!

Conditioned Game



Set up and Instruction: Set up as above with two Goalkeepers added. Teams play 5 v 5, the aim of the conditioned game is to get through one of the gates and have an attempt on goal, players can dribble or pass to a teammate through the gates, once a player enters the end zone no defenders can follow him/her.


  • Add neutral players to allow more 2 v 1 situations
  • 2 touch finish inside the end zone
  • Defenders can come into end zone and put pressure on the attacker

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