Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pass and Move #1

The following session includes exercises to aid players ability to pass and move the ball with accuracy and the correct weight of pass. The practice starts with no pressure on the pass to build technique and confidence and progresses to playing in more game like situations.

Technical Warm Up

Set up and instruction: Set-up a square area and divide in to a 4 x 4 grid. Split group in to two teams and give each team one ball for every two players. Players can pass to any available teammate, but passes must go in to a different grid square.

  • Players can only receive the ball in an empty square.
  • Players must travel through 2 squares.
  • Add defenders

Coaching Points: Pass with the inside of your foot, communicate with the player you are passing to, pass and move into space, receive the ball side on for quick release, firm and accurate pass by putting your foot through the ball. The coach should give a clear demonstration and explanation.

Drill 1

Set up and Instruction:  Pick up some of the markers to leave a 2x2 grid. In each quadrant play 3v3.
Teams score by controlling the ball on their opponent’s end-line.
Always restart with a pass.
Play first to five points and then rotate groups around the quadrants.

Start with a neutral player in each game to allow more passing opportunities.

Encourage players to move off the ball and find space and good positions to receive the ball, again communication is very important.

Coaching Points for 3 v 3:

Look to create space behind the defense and exploit the space with either a Penetrating Dribble, Penetrating Run or a Penetrating Pass;

  • Penetrating Dribble- players off the ball moves away (diversion) to create1 v 1 situations
  • Penetrating Run - players off the ball makes a cleaver run into space which will either set them free for the pass or act as a diversion for the player on the ball to dribble
  • Penetrating Pass - player on the ball makes a pass around the defender for the player off the ball to run onto
  • Decision making is key!
  • As there is no numbers advantage here, patient build up play should be encouraged, players can give the player on the ball an option to pass back.

Conditioned Game

Set up and Instruction: Remove the grid markers and add two small goals to each end-line. Each team attacks a pair of goals on the same end-line. Players can only score from within the final third of the pitch.


  • Add neutral players to allow more passing options
  • Play 2 touch
  • If a player has their pass intercepted, or plays the ball out of bounds they must sprint around one of their opponent’s goals before they can touch the ball again

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