Tuesday, August 14, 2012



Movement off the Ball

Age Group: Various Ability Level: Intermediate Gender: Boys

Equipment Required: Bibs, balls, cones

Warm Up

Set up an area made up of 5 boxes, 4 boxes on the outside and one in the center. The drill is done with 5 players, have a player in each box. Looking at the red box - the player with the ball passes to another red player and after making the pass he changes box with another red player. The blue team are doing the same in their area.

  • Be aware and ready to move off the ball 
  • Receive the pass across your body in order to see the entire playing area
  • Regardless of movement, players should always be looking towards the center of the area and be able to see the ball 
  • Communicate

Drill 1

Instruction: Now put both the blue and red team in the same area (5 boxes). Each team has their own ball and they are not trying to steal the other teams ball. The drill starts the same as above, but movement and finding space is now key, play the ball to a teammate and move into a new area, switching with the player in that area.


  • Players may now move even if they are off the ball and not making a pass, communication here will be key to keep the ball moving quickly and freely. If a player makes a pass he must always switch areas.
  • Play 3 touch maximum 

    Drill 2

    Instruction: See the warm up exercise for the set up of this drill. In the diagram the blue team have the ball and are continuing with drill 1. Passing the ball and changing areas, the progression here is that 2 players from the red team will come into the area in an attempt to win possession of the ball. This is a 5 v 2 situation. The blue player who makes the pass must change position with any other blue player; always maintaining the balance of only one player in an area. Once the red team win possession they play across to their area and two blue players come across to defend.

    Coaching Points:

    • When maintaining possession always stay open to the field. Receive the ball across your body as much as possible
    • As you move into another area always be able to see the ball
    • This drill helps with mental recognition to always move after you pass

    Conditioned Game



    Instruction: The game is 5v2 in the playing area with the red team keeping possession. Once they successfully make 5 passes, the 2 blue players must stop pressuring the ball and the red players attack the 3 blue defenders outside the area and try and score. At any point if the blue team win possession, the red team must retreat and the teams switch roles, play first to 5 goals.

    Coaching Points:

    • It is 5 v 3 to goal, passing and moving with create the gaps to have a shot on goal!

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