Sunday, August 19, 2012

Passing and Moving Session #2

"David Beckham is Britain’s finest striker of a football not because of God-given talent but because he practises with a relentless application that the vast majority of less gifted players wouldn’t contemplate."

- Sir Alex Ferguson speaking in 1999

Exercise 1

Set up and instruction: Have a large squared area with 4 corner target areas. Place players in the target areas without a ball. The rest of the players dribble around the area and look to find a free target player whom they pass the ball to, the player must then move to receive the ball in a different position.

Coaching points:
  • Pass and control with the inside of your foot
  • Receive the ball side on
  • Look over your shoulder to ensure you are not marked before asking for a pass

Add a defender in the middle, if the defender wins an attackers ball they swap roles.


Exercise 2

Set up and Instruction:
Split players in to groups of two. Two defenders try to win a ball from one of the other groups of attackers.
Attackers must keep the ball away from the defenders.
Attackers can use target players to retain possession. Target players must pass back to the same team that gave them the ball.

Conditioned Game

Set up and Instruction: Add goals to two end-lines and play 4v4 plus two goalkeepers. Only the attacking team are allowed in to any of the corner ‘safe-zones’.

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